The Bride Has Made Herself Ready

The Bride Has Made Herself Ready

About 12:33AM on October 17, 2017 – I awakened from a dream that I knew was from the LORD. The last couple of weeks it’s been on my mind again and I felt to share part of it.

In the dream, I walked into a church sanctuary where a wedding was about to take place. I looked down and saw that my wedding garments were in my hand. I walked to the front and sat them down in the far right corner of the center pew. My hands had gotten dirty, my hair was a mess. I kept thinking to myself I should have already gotten cleaned up and dressed but I had gotten busy and time had almost run out. I was so focused on working in the church that I had neglected to prepare for the wedding myself. It felt like there was still so much left to do. There were more errands I needed to complete but there was no time left. I wasn’t sure I even had time to prepare myself now.

Right then, I looked up and Lydia Marrow, the worship leader during the Bay Revival and now a preacher of the gospel, came walking toward where I was standing, in the most beautiful wedding dress I had ever seen. It was neat and trim. It fit her perfectly in every way. It was as though that dress were not some random dress pulled off the rack. It was designed specifically for her. It was elegant. Her hair was done. Her nails were done. She was completely ready. The only thing she lacked was her Groom. She stood there in the sanctuary, waiting on Him to arrive. I knew any second that door was going to open, He would be standing there, and the wedding would begin. The time had come.

When I received this dream, I had been in an extended season of fasting and prayer, seeking the LORD. I knew when I woke from the dream that in part it was for me personally, but that it also was addressing the present condition of many in the body of Christ. Many have been busy with other things, even what they considered “Kingdom work” but they have neglected to prepare themselves for Christ’s return. I think the main point the LORD was relaying through this dream was that before anything else, our relationship with Him comes first. Our own time of preparation comes first. It is out of the overflow of our relationship with Him that ministry happens, not the other way around. The Bible says in Ephesians of Jesus that, “He might present the Church [Bride] to Himself in glorious splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy [set apart for GOD] and blameless.” AMP

Since I had that dream, so many things have happened in the world that I never could have imagined. 2020 felt like the gates of hell opened and that the horsemen were released. I believe we are watching Revelation unfold before our very eyes. We are that generation and we are living out the final chapters. But I also feel now, as much evil as has been released, that Heaven is also so very close. It’s as though if our eyes could just see what’s happening in the realm of the Spirit, that we would see the New Jerusalem just there, right off the banks of the Earth, just waiting for the revealing. We have no idea how close we really are. Any second, the door will open and Christ will call forth His Bride. He will call for those that have made themselves ready. That is not something we want to miss. It’s time to seek the LORD while He may be found. It’s time to get ready. It’s time to put away everything that is a hinderance to us and seek Him with our whole hearts. It’s time.