Tag: Christianity

“Are You Invested or Divested?”

“Are You Invested or Divested?”

Over a month ago, as I was thinking back over all that has happened this year and truly was debating in my heart on whether I wanted to keep pursuing the call of GOD on my life, writing books and doing media being at the 

The Tri-Unity of GOD

The Tri-Unity of GOD

Tonight as I was spending time with the LORD, the topic of the Tri-Unity of GOD came to my mind. Although this post will be brief, I believe it speaks to one of the most profound and impactful ways we can choose to spend our 

Does GOD Speak To People?

Does GOD Speak To People?

This is a question I’m sure many out there have asked themselves. In short, the answer is YES! GOD spoke to people throughout history, beginning with Adam in the Garden of Eden and still speaks to us today. To dig a little deeper into this 



Tonight I was thinking about the topic of betrayal, specifically as it pertains to those who are attempting to live a Christian life. Many, if not all, that are trying to keep their hearts right before the LORD will at some point or other face 

The Mercies of GOD

The Mercies of GOD

I penned this in the morning hours earlier this week and then ultimately decided to hold on posting it. I wasn’t sure if it truly was the LORD to share this but today, during both church services, many aspects of what I wrote here were 

The Bride Has Made Herself Ready

The Bride Has Made Herself Ready

About 12:33AM on October 17, 2017 – I awakened from a dream that I knew was from the LORD. The last couple of weeks it’s been on my mind again and I felt to share part of it. In the dream, I walked into a 

A Holy Ground Encounter

A Holy Ground Encounter

“Forty years later, in the desert near Mount Sinai (Mt. Horeb), an angel appeared to Moses in a flame of a burning bush. When Moses saw it, he was amazed at the sight. As he went to take a closer look, the voice of the