“Are You Invested or Divested?”

“Are You Invested or Divested?”

Over a month ago, as I was thinking back over all that has happened this year and truly was debating in my heart on whether I wanted to keep pursuing the call of GOD on my life, writing books and doing media being at the 

When Your Faith Is Tested

When Your Faith Is Tested

This most recent blog has been a few months in the making… as my Mom and I both have been in a season that has shaken us both tremendously, yet in the midst also having seen the hand of GOD sustaining us even to this 

The Tri-Unity of GOD

The Tri-Unity of GOD

Tonight as I was spending time with the LORD, the topic of the Tri-Unity of GOD came to my mind. Although this post will be brief, I believe it speaks to one of the most profound and impactful ways we can choose to spend our 

Does GOD Speak To People?

Does GOD Speak To People?

This is a question I’m sure many out there have asked themselves. In short, the answer is YES! GOD spoke to people throughout history, beginning with Adam in the Garden of Eden and still speaks to us today. To dig a little deeper into this 



Tonight I was thinking about the topic of betrayal, specifically as it pertains to those who are attempting to live a Christian life. Many, if not all, that are trying to keep their hearts right before the LORD will at some point or other face 

The Costly Oil

The Costly Oil

Back in May, I was in a season of fasting and prayer before the LORD. One night right around midnight as I was reading in the book of Psalms, a deluge of words and pictures began to come from the LORD, one after another, for 

Breaking of the 1st Seal

Breaking of the 1st Seal

“And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had 

Telling The Story…

Telling The Story…

Scrolling through my phone today, I came across a note and picture. It was a moment in time I had completely forgotten about but so moved my heart when I came back across it and reread my entry for that day. It was a great 

From A Table of Showbread to Breaking Bread

From A Table of Showbread to Breaking Bread

Before I really dive into what is on my heart, I want to state that I have waited for quite some time, not only for the correct verbiage to describe what I am seeing and feeling, but also to state it in a clear and 

Traveling Through The Wilderness

Traveling Through The Wilderness

Tonight as I was reading through the 13th chapter of Exodus, something stood out to me very profoundly. So much so, that I had to stop and blog it. So, without any further delay, let’s jump right in. A little of the backstory: In the