Breaking of the 1st Seal

Breaking of the 1st Seal

“And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering and to conquer.” -Revelation 6:1-2 KJV

In August 2021, while we were all steeped deep in a world of Covid, the LORD began to really bother me with this passage of scripture. It was on my mind for days… “The white horse and rider with the bow and crown…” “The white horse and rider with the bow and crown…” “The white horse and rider with the bow and crown…” I finally got out my Bible and looked up the verse. Something about it was just gnawing at me but reading through the scripture, I could not immediately see what the LORD was trying to show me. I considered that 2 minutes of Bible reading my “due diligence” and made up my mind to move on from it.

The next day, my Mom and I were out grabbing a bite to eat and she said to me out of nowhere, “You know, I heard someone recently talking about the white horse and rider with the bow and crown and how he felt it was associated with Covid.” I had not told her that very scripture had been on my mind that week. She could not remember who the person was she had heard speak on it or any of the details, but I knew if the LORD had brought it to her remembrance just then, He was highlighting it back to me saying, “Circle back around and look again.” So, I did. This is what I found:

I opened the scripture starting from Revelation 6:1 again and I began to really look at the words in the Greek. The first word that leaped off the page at me was the word, “Bow”. The verse says the rider on the white horse had a bow. The Greek word for “Bow” is “Tóxon” which is where we get our words, “toxic” or “toxin”. It doesn’t mean the bow in the traditional sense, a piece of bent wood with a string. It speaks specifically of an arrow with a poisoned tip.

Next, I looked up the word “white” which was referenced as the color of the horse the rider was on. In the search of that word, “Leukós” came up along with some Greek symbols. I looked up the symbols and that led me to the Greek alphabet. At the time the LORD was unpacking this to me, the Covid variants “Delta” and “Lambda” were topping the news. When I looked at the Greek Alphabet, my eyes fell directly on “Lambda”. I was shocked. The symbols for those two Greek letters were both arrows.

Image from Google search

As I continued researching the verse, I then began researching the word, “Crown,” which in Spanish is “corona”. When I looked it up in the Greek in reference to that specific verse, the crown it spoke of was not a “diadēma” which is a Kingly crown, but rather a “Stéphanos” which is a crown given to champions of war games. It was usually a garland or wreath wrapped around the head, also known as a “Victor’s crown”.

What stood out to me most was that this rider on the white horse, released on the earth when the first seal was broken was accomplished at battle and his weapon of choice was a poisoned arrow. The other thing that stood out to me from almost the very beginning in 2020 is that there was an overwhelming spirit of fear that was riding in on this new wave of this thing called, “Corona Virus”. It wasn’t just something we were contending with in the natural. It also had a very heavy spiritual component to it, in the most negative sense. People were getting sick. People were dying. A new and largely unresearched vaccine was being pushed heavily that people were taking largely out of fear. Division was happening unlike anything our generation has ever seen and what’s more, it seemed like Heaven was silent. People were losing their jobs. Hospitals were overwhelmed. Churches were closing. Prophets were prophesying and missing the mark in extremes and were turning on one another. It was a physical and spiritual madhouse and nobody had any answers.

Here we are, two years later, and it seems Covid has nearly vanished and GOD is speaking once again. Two years ago when the LORD started unpacking this for me, I began sharing it with a handful of people and almost nobody was receptive. I decided not to say anything else further about it. Tonight, my Mom came to me again and said she had heard another minister mention tonight that he had found the same things when he researched the white horse and rider in the scripture. So once again, my attention was brought back to it. I found my notes from August 21, 2021 and began this blog.

So why does it matter now? I am not one to beat a dead horse but I truly believe, if what happened in 2020 was the breaking of the first seal, we need to be looking ahead into Revelation 6:3-4, to the breaking of the second seal and at this point, maybe even into the third seal.

“And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, “Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”

Right now, even as I write this, war has been going on between Russia and Ukraine for well over a year. China has been issuing threats to various nations, as has North Korea. Israel is under attack. The United States is in internal conflict because of all of the things going on politically and the increasing attacks against Christianity. Everyone is triggered. It could be that we are closer to the returning of Jesus Christ than any of us even realize. Wherever we are on the timeline, one thing is certain, time is speeding up.

I am not posting this to bring fear into the hearts and minds of people, but to raise awareness and to ask that people really examine your hearts. Examine where you are with the LORD. I mean, really really do a heart check. Be honest with yourself. Is your prayer life in good shape? Are you reading the Word regularly and staying close to Jesus? And by “close” I mean, have you separated yourself away to Him from all the worldly things? Are you fasting? If the answer to those is not an absolute, “Yes!” then please take the time to really seek the LORD with your whole heart and get things right in your life. Another question to really ask yourself is “Am I carrying any offense or unforgiveness toward anyone?” If you are, it’s time to let those things go. Forgive them. Pray over those people and areas in your life. Ask GOD to draw you to Himself by His Holy Spirit and heal you. Time is getting so short now and as the Word says, none of us are promised tomorrow.

Eternity is getting closer every day.