Author’s Corner


Seasons With GOD / Available on Amazon

In 2017, after a year of prayer and fasting, the LORD began to speak to me about writing a book. Late one night while at work, during a time of great frustration in my life, I angrily said in my heart, “I could write a book about seasons with God!” As quickly as the words passed through my mind, I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, “Why don’t you write a book about seasons with God and call it that?” That moment stopped me in my tracks and instantly dispelled the frustration I had been feeling. Instead, it reset my focus on something the LORD was asking me to do. Over the next three years, I began to pen what would become my first published book entitled, Seasons With GOD. It is a story about my life, lessons that I have learned and about my own personal encounter with the LORD.

To purchase a copy, please go to:


Lemon Tree Revival / Available on Amazon

In 2020, shortly after Seasons With GOD was published, I was driving to work and praying one morning, asking GOD, “What next?” I had spent 3 years focusing on my first book and now it seemed like I had nothing else ahead of me. Within just a few minutes, the storyline and character for Lemon Tree Revival came flooding into my mind. As soon as I got to the parking lot at work, I parked the car and began writing as fast as I could. Every word, written in poetic style, came within 15 minutes. That was 2 years ago. Nearing the end of 2022, I felt the push from the LORD to go ahead and complete the book and today, January 10, 2023, it is available on Amazon.

Another aspect of this is how GOD used dear friends to bring this to fruition. I spent a few months trying to find an illustrator for this book to bring the characters to life. Nothing seemed to come together that I needed for this project. One day, a friend contacted me and said, “What do you think about taking real pictures and using them instead of illustrations?” I thought, “You know, that could work!” So, she gathered up her littles and her camera and off we went to do a photoshoot with the actual lemon tree this story was based on. Without Kristen’s help, and her tender ear toward the Holy Spirit’s leading, this book would not have been possible. Also, I owe a “Thank You!” to her kids and to her husband for stepping up and becoming the characters in the book.

As I was nearing completion of the book, there were a few aspects I wanted to add in but wasn’t sure how. Someone suggested a program to use and immediately my mind went to another sweet friend of mine, Carmen. She graciously accepted my invitation to help with this project and within days, she added the final little artistic touches to the book I had been wanting. I owe her a “Thank You!” also for the last minute hours she put in to help me get this book finished.

To my friends Terry and Paul, who also love photography as much as I do and stepped in to help when I needed a headshot and some editing done. A huge “Thank You!” goes to them also.

Last of all, to Barbara “Bardie” Nuckolls… “Thank You!” It was her lemon tree this story was based on and from where the main character’s name was derived. We witnessed a miracle!

May many generations to come find the faith to believe GOD for the extraordinary as a result of what GOD has done!

To purchase a copy, please go to: