Two Loaves Media

In May 2022, I sat down with Sisters, Betty Andrews and Gail Tatum as they shared their incredible testimonies of their encounters with the LORD. This interview came at a time when the LORD was stirring my heart to begin videoing again after a very long sabbatical. I knew it was time to turn the cameras back on but in my heart I thought, “Lord, I’ve got nothing worthwhile to say.” My mind went to Betty and Gail in that moment and I thought, “How awesome would it be to be able to get their stories!” The problem was they lived in another state and I did not know when they would be this way again. Within just a few days, Betty called me and told me she and Gail were coming to Alabama that very weekend. During that conversation, it still did not register that GOD was making a way for that very video to be captured. Sometimes, we are slowwwww on the uptake. Another day later, as I was thinking about their upcoming trip to Alabama, I realized, it was the LORD that was sending them! I asked Betty and Gail if they would mind sharing their stories and they said, “Absolutely, yes!” I believe GOD in His infinite wisdom knew the exact time this video needed to be captured and I’m so thankful for the opportunity to not only hear their stories, but to be able to share them with others, that others might be encouraged in the LORD.

A Coming Wedding

Insights From The Book Of Jude

A Tidal Wave Is Coming

From 2021: