The Tri-Unity of GOD

The Tri-Unity of GOD

Tonight as I was spending time with the LORD, the topic of the Tri-Unity of GOD came to my mind. Although this post will be brief, I believe it speaks to one of the most profound and impactful ways we can choose to spend our lives. Let’s look…

“It is the Tri-Unity of GOD where we find Perfect Agreement.”

As I thought about that statement, the question entered my mind, “Can GOD, the Father, be in agreement with Himself?” Perhaps, but when the will of His Son, Jesus the Christ, is ONLY to do His Father’s will – agreement is perfected. Likewise, the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of GOD, Who raised Jesus Christ from the dead, only revealed to Jesus what was the mind and will of the Father, and worked through Jesus to complete those tasks the Father willed to do, again forming perfect agreement.

But GOD did not stop there. According to the book of Genesis, Mankind was fashioned by the hand of GOD out of the dirt of the Earth, breathed into by His very mouth and became a living being. First man and then woman, which was taken from man. GOD created them and those generations that would descend from them, to be His Sons and Daughters, to abide in Him, like His only begotten Son, Jesus, like the Holy Spirit, in perfect agreement. He wanted a family.

In the West and likely throughout the world, we look at the word “agreement” and we may visualize two individuals working out their specific terms toward achieving a mutual goal that usually results in a signed contract. However, in the Kingdom of GOD, agreement is much different and much, much more. Rather than being self-motivated, self-focused, and self-driven, it is laying down everything that is self-oriented, rather choosing to completely align ourselves with GOD’s desires and goals. It is the exact model Jesus came into the world to model for us.

“For I came down from heaven, not to do Mine own will, but the will of Him that sent Me.”

John 6:37 KJV

It Doesn’t Come Without Benefits:

There is an inward peace when we are in perfect agreement with His will. There is safety, a place of refuge for us to run to when we are in perfect agreement with Him. It is that perfect agreement that gives us the right to cry ABBA FATHER, coming boldly before His throne of grace in our time of need. It is perfect agreement which fuels us daily for our journey through this life and readies us for that life which is to come.

With the world pulling at us from every conceivable direction, to distract us and dissuade us from the course GOD has mapped out exactly for each one of us, it is imperative that we stay focused and stay aligned, in perfect agreement with His will for our lives. We cannot afford to let anything else stop us or allow anything else to become our motivation except to follow His leading, to trust in His ways and in His paths that He has laid out for us.

“His perfect will for your life is hidden in your perfect agreement with Him.”