

Tonight I was thinking about the topic of betrayal, specifically as it pertains to those who are attempting to live a Christian life. Many, if not all, that are trying to keep their hearts right before the LORD will at some point or other face what feels like a massive betrayal and it typically comes from those that walk closest to them.

In The Life Of A Savior :

We see the greatest example of this in the life and story of Jesus. Judas, one of the twelve disciples that He hand picked, did daily life with and imparted so much into, turned on Him for thirty pieces of silver. He led an angry mob right to the LORD and indicated which one He was by greeting Him with a kiss. It was a kiss of ultimate betrayal which led to Jesus being beaten mercilessly and ultimately crucified.

As I thought about moments in our lives, especially in our years in ministry when we saw betrayals happen and even moments since then, there seems to be one common denominator: 100% of those betrayals came from people who had fallen into Deception. Let me be clear, Deception is a spirit. It speaks to you, it seduces you and it baits you. Not only is it a test for those who fall into it’s snare but it’s also a major heart test for those who end up targeted in the cross hairs of those deceived individuals.

Most of the time, betrayal will come when one person is walking closely with another. It may be at work, it may be family, it may be a close friend or someone affiliated with the ministry. It’s not always necessarily directional in terms of someone of a more elevated position being the one targeted. We see an example of this in the life of David.

A King Without A Crown :

David was anointed to be King of Israel but at the time, Saul was King. David served Saul faithfully, yet over and over, Saul betrayed David. In spite of all the evil Saul committed against him, David refused to raise his hand against him because he understood the authority GOD had placed on Saul’s life. Saul had the crown in that present season but David was the one GOD chose and anointed to be King in his stead. Why? Saul disobeyed GOD, caring more about what the people thought than what GOD said. Although David was by no means a perfect man, GOD said of him, “He is a man after My own heart.” David cared what GOD thought and constantly sought to do His will, at times even going far beyond what GOD required of him.

“What is not done with a heart of building up or restoration is done out of a contentious and murderous spirit.”

In nearly every instance there is a season of watching that happens first. The individual observes the other, making an innumerable amount of mental notes about the perceived inadequacies of that other person. They begin to think things like, “I can do that better than them.” Or perhaps, “I am more anointed/gifted in that area than they are.” It can also come as, “They don’t know what they’re talking about.” Or even, “They have no business being in that role.” Here, at this point, the devil is presenting them an open door, not for their benefit, but for his. It’s like a baited lure dangling in front of their eyes and if they bite it, he’s gained an entry point into their lives.

Deception doesn’t work alone. It typically works in tandem with other spirits such as Pride, Jealousy, Slander and Murder. They will speak into that person’s ears grandiose thoughts and there will usually come a point, if that person isn’t walking with the LORD, and led by the Holy Spirit, they will act on it. They will begin undercutting that individual to their superiors, to other relatives or to those within their community and fellowship. I will also make mention here, what is not done with a heart of building up or restoration is done out of a contentious and murderous spirit. They become jealous of what GOD has endowed with or given to that other person. They despise them for it and feel like they deserve what that other person has.

The thing is, they have not walked down the roads that other person has walked down. They haven’t paid the prices that other person has paid. In all likelihood, they are living in disobedience to the LORD and they’ve not seen His blessing in their own lives. Rather than living in a blessing, they are actually living under a curse.

Those that walk in this way share the same three characteristics as the devil:

  • They Steal – They steal what has not been given to them by the LORD.
  • They Kill – They assassinate the character, position, credibility or name of those who have what they desire.
  • They Destroy – They want to utterly destroy the person or thing that stands in their way.

And as for you? Forgive them.

GOD is the One Who gives recompenses, whether for good works or for evil that is done.

None of us are above falling into Deception. It is good to always keep a heart check going. We should always endeavor to check ourselves on what our motivations are for every decision we make and/or word that comes out of our mouth. If there is any questionable area that arises, we need to pause, pray about it and ask for forgiveness.

“The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it?” -Jeremiah 17:9 KJV

GOD In All Things :

The Word of GOD says:

“It is He Who changes the times and the seasons: He removes kings and establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and greater knowledge to those who have understanding.” – Daniel 2:21 AMP

It is not for us to agree or disagree with what GOD does in a person’s life, but as best we can to keep our hearts clean as we walk alongside them. We desperately need the guidance of the Holy Spirit to shine His light in us so we may be able to stand before Jesus one day, pure, holy and blameless.